Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense

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Bayou Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense

Here at Droom, we’re always on the lookout for remarkable small businesses that shine like stars in their local communities. Today, we’re thrilled to turn our spotlight toward Bayou Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense, a true gem that embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship and community support.

In a world where giant corporations often dominate the conversation, we take pride in celebrating the unsung heroes of our neighborhoods. Bayou Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense is not just another small business; it’s a vibrant testament to the dreams and dedication of its founder.

Of all the gyms in our area, we are the most family-friendly. We teach high-quality Jiu Jitsu while still maintaining a safe environment for older students, women, and kids.

Professor Kevin Bellard

The Backstory

Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense was founded by Kevin Bellard, who holds a Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu under 5th degree Black Belt Ralph Gracie. With over eleven years of experience in martial arts, including jiu-jitsu and self defense techniques, Kevin set out to create an accessible, affordable way for people to learn these skills.

Kevin started his Jiu Jitsu gym in a small location in the northern part of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. As his gym grew, he moved to a bigger location in a more central part of town.

He then later went on to open a second location in nearby Central, Louisiana.

What started as a one-man operation teaching just Jiu Jitsu classes in the evening has grown to include 8 instructors and classes 7 days a week teaching Jiu Jitsu, Women’s Self Defense, Judo, and MMA to both kids and adults.

A picture of the students at Bayou Jiu Jitsu and self defense.

The Mission of Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense

At Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense, they strive to provide a safe and positive environment for everyone regardless of age or ability. They believe that the martial arts help individuals realize their potential through discipline, confidence building, and physical fitness. In addition to offering classes in traditional martial arts techniques, they also provide self defense instruction tailored to the needs of women.

The instructors at Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense are dedicated to helping each and every student reach their personal goals while having a great time in the process. Whether you’re looking to learn martial arts for competition or just for fun, Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense has something for everyone.

An Inside Look

We had a chance to interview the owner of Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense, Kevin Bellard. We wanted to get some insight in what it takes to build a thriving small business from the bottom up.

Here is what he had to say:

What inspired you to start this business, and how has it evolved over time?

I started training Jiu Jitsu when I was living in San Francisco. When I decided to move back to Baton Rouge, I started training and teaching at another gym.

I reached a point where I was ready to branch out and open my own gym. I started off offering just evening classes and kids classes a few days a week.

Now we’ve grown to have 2 locations and offering morning classes, lunch classes, kids classes, and evening classes for adults. We also teach MMA, Judo, and a monthly Women’s Self Defense class.

How long have you been in business?

We opened our doors in September 2014.

What are the core values of your business?

Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense is based on core values that come straight from Jiu Jitsu. The values are: discipline, respect, and loyalty.

We strive to instill those values in how we run our business and each student we teach.

How many employees do you have?

Between both locations, we have 8 instructors. We also have a few guest instructors from time to time.

What would you say makes your business unique?

What sets us apart is our commitment to providing an accessible place for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn Jiu Jitsu. We strive to make the classes fun, while also providing a level of dedication and respect that you would expect from a professional martial arts institution.

Of all the gyms in our area, we are the most family-friendly. We teach high-quality Jiu Jitsu while still maintaining a safe environment for older students, women, and kids.

When did you hire your first employee?

I hired my first employee in 2019, shortly before I opened my second location.

How do you attract and retain customers, and what marketing strategies have worked well for you?

Our best marketing strategy is offering a free class to new students. This gives them an opportunity to try it out risk-free and see what they think.

In terms of attracting customers, our website and social media help to get the word out. These days, almost everyone is online, so you need an online presence to help new customers find your business.

When it comes to keeping our customers, we focus on providing a high-quality experience so that our students come back again and again. We make sure each class is engaging, educational, and fun!

What are three things that have helped your business the most?

Here are the 3 things that have helped our business the most:

  1. Offering a broader range of classes. Having more available class times has made it more convenient for our students to train.
  2. Opening a new location. Our second location expanded our reach and made us easier to access for more students.
  3. Investing in a good website. Making sure our website looks good and shows up on Google searches has helped more customers find us.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own small business?

Don’t wait. All the time that you’re sitting around wondering if you should start your dream business, you could already be building it.

The only way to get there is to start.

Is there anything else you want our reader to know?

If you’re ever in the Baton Rouge area, drop on by! First class is free. 🙂


Bayou Jiu Jitsu & Self Defense is an inspiring example of what can be achieved when passion, hard work, and dedication come together. From a one-man operation to a thriving business with multiple instructors and classes for people of all ages and backgrounds, Kevin’s vision has become a reality.

Were you inspired by Kevin’s story? If so be sure to share this article with your friends and family.

And if you’re ever in the Baton Rouge area, drop by to meet Kevin and get a free class! Who knows, it might just be the start of something great.

If you know another small business we should feature, feel free to contact us here!

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