Business Formation

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Ready to get your small business off the ground? You’re in the right place!

Owning a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, you want to make sure you set it up for success right from the beginning. 

On this page, we have gathered the information and resources you need to help with naming your business, getting it registered, finding funding, and more.

In just a few clicks you can be on the way to turning your dream of owning a business into a reality. Let’s get to it!

Name Generators

The name of your business is one of the first things that your potential customers will see. So you want to make sure you create a name that reflects what your company is all about.

Take the guesswork out of naming your business by using one of the many online name generators available today. Just use keywords related to your industry, desired image, or mission statement and you’ll be able to explore a wide range of options for potential business names.

Explore our favorite name generators here.

Business Filing

If you already have a name for your business, it’s time to file the necessary paperwork. Depending on the type of business you’re setting up, this could include registering with state and local authorities or filing for copyrights and trademarks.

In most cases, you can complete the process online or with help from an attorney specializing in business formation. We have put together a few resources to help you get started with the legal side of forming your business. 

Check out the top websites for handling the legal side of your business here. 

Find Funding

Forming a business can be expensive and finding the right sources of funding is an important part of the process. Thankfully, there are a wide range of traditional and alternative financing options available for small businesses today. 

We have compiled a list of reliable resources that you can explore to find grants, loans, investors, and more so you can jumpstart your business. 

Check out our top resources for small business funding here! 


In this day and age, having an online store isn’t just nice, it’s essential. From setting up a website to understanding the ins and outs of selling online, there’s a lot that goes into setting up an eCommerce business. 

We have gathered together some great information on everything from creating the perfect digital storefront to marketing your products online. 

Learn more about how to start an online store here! 

Ready for the next step?

Now that you know the basics of setting up a small business, it’s time to get started! Take advantage of the resources listed on this page and you’ll be well on your way to making your business dreams a reality. 

And once you’ve got that done, head on over to our Start Your Business page to learn about the next steps to take once your business is registered and ready to go. 

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