Looking for Your First Customer? Try These 10 Proven Strategies

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Picture of a woman helping a customer. Looking for Your First Customer? Try These 10 Proven Strategies

Ready to get your business off the ground? Here are 10 proven strategies to help you find your first customer.

He could feel his stomach sinking as he watched the clock continue to tick on by. A solid 25 minutes had passed since the class should have started. It was pretty clear – no one was coming.

Despite training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 8 years, designing a solid training plan for his classes, and spending months getting his gym ready, my friend John had a big problem when he first started his business: he had no students!

Kevin Costner in “Field of Dreams” might have been lucky with “If you build it they will come.” But in real life, just having a great business idea isn’t enough to bring in customers.

You have to know how to market your business, especially when you first start out.

The Secret to Sales

Like most new business owners, my friend John spent time stuck on the whole marketing aspect of running a business. He was an expert in his field but didn’t know how to turn that into sales.

This is a problem new business owners run into time and time again.

And if you spend half a minute looking things up, you’ll find a lot of fancy words describing copywriting, funnels, and strategies that take years to understand and implement.

But as a new entrepreneur, you don’t have time for all that. What you need is to get your first few customers coming through the door right now.

Once your business starts getting some momentum you can work on mastering the more in-depth forms of marketing.

So what’s the secret to sales and getting your first customer? It comes down to 3 things:

  1. Find the people who will love what you sell.
  2. Get your product/service in front of them.
  3. Let them know how awesome it is.

That’s it. If you can nail this, then you’ll get your first customer. And once you get the first, the rest will follow.

So how does a brand new business owner do all that? I’m glad you asked. Below are 10 proven strategies to help you get your first sale.

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Disclosure: Our website participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn a commission on purchases made through our affiliate links. We only promote products and services that offer value to small business owners. Just as a quick reminder, the following information is not legal advice. Be sure to speak with a local attorney before making legal decisions about your business.

How to Get Your First Customer: 10 Proven Strategies

Infographic: Looking for Your First Customer? Try These 10 Proven Strategies

1.) Get your ducks in a row

The first thing you want to do to help find your first customer is to get all your ducks in a row. A.K.A. write your business plan.

A business plan is a document that outlines your business goals, target market, competitors, marketing strategy, and financial projections. Many people write one to help fund their business.

But it can go a long way toward helping you get your first customer too. A solid business plan will help you understand your target market, what makes your business stand out from the competition, and how to reach potential customers.

All of this information helps pinpoint your marketing efforts. Remember step number 3 of making sales: telling potential customers how awesome your stuff is?

Having a well-written business plan will help you get clear on the value you have to offer your customers. And people are always happy to pay for good value.

2.) Get dialed in on your customers

The next step in finding your first customer is to get clear on who you’re selling to. Step #1 of making sales.

The better you understand who your ideal customer is (in marketing speak it’s often called your ‘target market’) the easier it is to find them and get your product in front of them.

Because, you’re not selling to just anyone. My friend John doesn’t need to waste his time talking up the local grandmas on his block about learning Jiu-Jitsu.

He needs to be talking to local college kids who used to wrestle in high school or teenagers dealing with bullies. As a business owner, you need to market to people who need or want what you’re selling.

How to identify your ideal customer

To figure out your target market, you’ll need to do some research. Start by looking at similar businesses in your industry and see who they target.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who are their current customers?
  • What age group are they targeting?
  • Where do these people live?
  • What problems or needs does the product/service address for them?

Once you have a general idea, you can narrow down your ideal customer even more. Think about your product/service and how it helps people.

This will help you pinpoint the specific type of person who would be interested in buying from you. From there you’ll know exactly who to start directing your marketing efforts toward.

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3.) Chances are you already know your first customer

The next strategy for finding your first customer is to ask your existing network. Talk to your friends, family, neighbors, and anyone else who might be interested in what you’re selling.

Don’t be shy about bringing it up in conversations or even reaching out to people. You never know who may be looking for exactly what you have to offer.

And don’t limit yourself to personal connections – also utilize your professional network, such as former colleagues or industry contacts. They may be in the perfect situation to benefit from your product or service.

You’re not a sleazy salesperson

A lot of people skip this step because they feel weird selling to people they know. You might worry that you’ll bother them or come across as a sleazy salesperson.

But here’s something to keep in mind: the people who already know and like you are the ones who want to support you the most.

So don’t be afraid to tap into your existing network. Sit down with a piece of paper right now and start making a list.

Write down everyone you can think of who might be interested in what you have to offer. And if you get stuck, think about the people who fit your ideal customer profile.

If anyone you know fits the description, add them to the list.

4.) Ask for those referrals

Another important strategy for getting your first customer is to ask around for referrals. As you ask your friends and family if they would be interested in supporting your business, feel free to ask for referrals too.

Even if your friends and family aren’t a good fit for your product or service, they might know someone who is. And because they’re your friend/brother/neighbor they’re more likely to pass your business info on than a stranger walking down the street.

It might go something like this:

“Hey Mike, how are you? I hope Janice and the kids are well. I’m emailing because I wanted to let you know I recently opened a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gym in town. I have fond memories of training with you back in the day, so I thought you might want to come by and check us out. Also, feel free to share my information with anyone else you know who might be interested in getting in better shape and learning self-defense skills. I would appreciate it. I hope to hear from you soon.”

Not only is this a great way to get new customers, but it also helps spread the word about your business and build credibility. People will trust a recommendation from someone they know over an advertisement or cold call.

Man on a phone call.

5.) Start reaching out

If you’ve exhausted your current network in your hunt for your first customer, your next step will be reaching out to strangers. A.K. A. cold calling.

Cold calling refers to reaching out to people you have no prior connection to either via phone, email, or social media to see if they would be interested in buying your products or services.

For most new business owners, this can be intimidating. However, it’s been a successful sales strategy for such a long time because sometimes it works.

Here are a few tips to streamline the process:

  • Personalize your outreach: Don’t send out generic messages or scripts, personalize each message to the individual you’re reaching out to. Show them you’ve done your research and understand their needs.
  • Be confident: Believe in yourself and your product/service. This confidence will come across in your outreach and create a better first impression.
  • Follow up: Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a response right away, follow up a few times or until you get a definitive answer.
  • Pick your prospects: Even when selling to strangers, don’t reach out to just anyone – reach out to people who fit your ideal customer profile and might benefit from what you have to offer.

Remember, reaching out to strangers can be scary, but it’s also necessary for the growth of your business. Stay persistent and confident and your first customer will come.

6.) Go where the people are

Another proven strategy for finding your first customer is to explore digital marketing. Everyone is online these days, so if you want people to find your business, you need to meet them where they are.

More and more people shop online. They research and compare their options long before they click the buy button.

This applies to services as well as products. My friend John gets emails every week from potential students who found his website and want more information about his classes.

A good marketing strategy involves getting your content in front of your target audience in the digital world so they can learn about your business. As a new entrepreneur, here are the main components to focus on:

  • Website: As a brand-new business, a well-designed website will help provide credibility and instill trust with potential customers.
  • Social Media: Pick the platform your ideal customers are on and start posting content.
  • Email Marketing: Create an email list. This gives you direct access to the people who are already interested in your business. It’s one of your best opportunities to convert them from window shoppers to customers.

Digital marketing consists of several other components, but these are the top 3 strategies to focus on as a new business.

The most important part of digital marketing

When it comes to digital marketing and promoting your business online, you have one rule to follow: offer value! You can’t just post links to your Shopify store on Facebook and expect the sales to start rolling in.

You’re a brand new business, an unknown entity. Most people don’t know who you are, if you’re trustworthy, and if you’re products and services are even any good.

You can demonstrate this by offering value to your audience first. For example, my friend John didn’t get far only posting information about when his next class was.

But, when he started posting videos of Jiu-Jitsu techniques for taking down an opponent or finishing a submission, he started getting some attention. By teaching a technique, he offered value while also demonstrating his knowledge.

This is how you use your content to build trust and credibility, which leads to more potential customers.

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7.) Get your products out there

Another great strategy for nabbing your first customer is to get your products in front of people. Go to events, fairs, flea markets – anywhere where your ideal customer might be hanging out.

This strategy is excellent for physical products. People love to see and touch what they’re buying before purchasing.

It also works well for services too. You can offer free consultations or workshops to let people experience what you have to offer firsthand.

My friend John attended fairs and put on demonstrations to help promote his Jiu-Jitsu gym. Local farmers go to Farmer’s Markets. Restaurants give out samples at holiday events.

The goal is to put your product in front of real people and invite them to try it out.

And don’t forget, these events are also great opportunities for networking and getting the word out about your business. So even if you don’t make a sale, you’ll often leave with some valuable connections.

8.) Meet new people

You can’t grow a business in a bubble. So if you’re looking for your first customer, a great way to find them is to network, network, network.

Go to events related to your industry and start talking to people about your business. Join online groups and forums to connect with others in your field.

You never know who might be interested in what you have to offer, or who knows someone else who could benefit from your product/service.

For example, my friend John met one of his long-term students by striking up a conversation at the gym. They had a mutual interest in martial arts and after hearing about John’s academy, the person signed up for classes and became a regular.

By expanding your current network to include others within your industry, you widen your pool of people in which to find your first customer.

Networking the right way

Networking is a great way to find your first customer. But, there is a wrong way and a right way to do it.

Here are some tips for networking the right way, so you can maximize your opportunities to find your first customer:

  • Be genuine and authentic: People can see through a fake persona. Be yourself and sincere when talking to others.
  • Listen more than you talk: You might be tempted to pitch your business to everyone you meet, but resist the urge. Instead, listen to what others have to say and show a genuine interest in learning more about them.
  • Offer value: Similar to digital marketing, offer value first. Maybe you have some useful advice or connections to share. This will help build the relationship and instill trust in you and your business.
  • Follow up: Don’t just collect business cards and never reach out again. Follow up with people after meeting them and continue to build the relationship.

By networking the right way, you can not only find potential customers but also build valuable connections to help your business grow.

9.) Join forces

If you already have some connections to other business owners, a great way to get your first customer is to join forces. Collaborate with another business to help get your products/services in front of new people.

By joining forces, you can benefit from the exposure to an already established audience while you’re still working to build your own.

Here are some ideas for ways to collaborate with other businesses:

  • Host an event together: You could hold a workshop or presentation together, promoting both of your businesses to a larger audience.
  • Cross-promote each other: Share each other’s content on social media or in email newsletters.
  • Create a joint product/service offering: Work together to create a product or service that combines both of your unique offerings.
  • Offer samples: If you sell physical products, consider offering samples of each other’s products to customers to cross-promote and introduce both brands.
  • Add-ons: If you offer services, consider offering each other as a bonus or add-on to your respective services.

Using any of these ideas will be a great way to get your first customer while also building relationships with other businesses. All of which benefits you in the long run.

People working together at a table. Looking for Your First Customer? Try These 10 Proven Strategies

The Power of Influencers

As well as collaborating with existing businesses, you could also try collaborating with influencers. Influencers are people with a large following on social media or in their industry. They can help by promoting your products/services to their audience.

Most influencers will be happy to promote your product for either a small fee, an affiliate code, or some other way of offering value to their audience.

When you’re first starting out, this is a great way to get your products in front of an engaged audience of your ideal customers.

10.) Start an email list

The last proven strategy for getting your first customer is to start an email list. We mentioned it when talking about digital marketing in tip #6, but it’s worth its own section, trust me.

Having an email list is one of the best ways to convert potential customers into paying customers.

According to a 2020 survey they found, on average, “for every U.S. dollars invested in email marketing, brands earned 36 U.S. dollars.” Let that sink in for a minute.

For every $1 spent on their email lists, brands earned $36. You won’t see a better return on investment for most of your other marketing efforts.

Email marketing lets you establish a one-on-one connection with people who have already shown interest in your business. They’ve permitted you to send them emails, a valuable opportunity when it comes to converting them into customers.

You also don’t have to compete with all the flash of social media to grab their attention. Or even convince them of the value of your business.

By signing up for your email list, they’ve already demonstrated their interest in what you have to offer. All you have to do is continue providing value and showcasing your products/services, and one day they’ll turn into paying customers.

If you’re new to setting up your email list, check out this article to help you get started: How to Get Started With Email Marketing.

Corkboard with a note on it that says "Don't do this!"

What NOT to Do When Hunting Up Your First Customer

The next step in finding your first customer is to know the things you should avoid. You want to attract customers, not scare them away.

You also don’t want to stretch yourself so thin you don’t see any results from all your hard work. Here are some things to NOT do when looking for your first customer.

Waiting for your customers to find you

This is one of the big ones. Don’t wait around hoping your customers will find you. Most industries have so much competition you can’t afford to wait around and be “discovered.”

People are busy. They’re going from one thing to the next and have a constant stream of people trying to get their attention.

If you’re not spending time marketing or networking to get your business out there, you’re going to be overlooked.

People don’t shop at a business they don’t know about. Just saying.

Being afraid of the ask

The next big mistake people make when trying to find their first customer is being afraid of the ask. No one will buy from you if you don’t ask them to.

I’ve seen it time and time again. So many new business owners worry about coming across as sleazy, pushy, or money-hungry.

They worry about what people will think of them if they share about their business. I had a friend with an Etsy shop I didn’t know about for years because she was too embarrassed to mention it.

That’s years I could have been buying from her store or even recommending it to friends or family members who I thought would like her products.

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How to overcome your fear

To make sales, you’re going to have to ask people if they want to buy from you. Your first customer isn’t going to come knocking on your door begging you to take their money.

Hockey Hall of Famer, Wayne Gretzky said it best for moments like this:

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Yes, sometimes people might tell you no. But they also might say yes.

And something else to think about, if you’re following our advice of only marketing to people who are interested in your business, then you’re not being sleazy or weird when you ask for the sale.

When you go to an auto dealership to look at cars, you want someone to ask you if you’re interested in buying a car. Same thing if you’re shopping around for a house, you want an agent to ask if you want to put in an offer on a house.

It’s not pushy or sleazy when you ask someone already interested in what you do if they would like to purchase something. Plus, they can always say no if they’re not ready to buy yet.

It’s not the end of the world and it doesn’t mean anything bad about you or your business.

Wasting your time

Another thing to avoid when looking for your first customer is wasting your time. As a new business owner, it’s easy to find yourself pitching to people who aren’t your ideal customer.

In other words, people who are never going to buy from you.

In his early days, my friend John spent way too much time trying to convince everyone about the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu. And I get it, it makes sense.

Technically everyone could benefit from Jiu Jitsu. We would all be better off spending a few hours a week working on self-defense skills and our physical fitness.

But not everyone will see the value in Jiu Jitsu. So they’re never going to want to pay for it.

Ensure all your marketing efforts go toward people who will be interested in buying your products or services. Anything else is a waste of time.

Peron sitting in front of a laptop with a lot of sticky notes on it. Looking for Your First Customer? Try These 10 Proven Strategies

Doing too much too fast

Another mistake many new business owners make when hunting up their first client is doing too much too fast. A quick search on Google will give you a mile-long list of things you need to be doing for your business.

Shoot, we’ve written some pretty lengthy posts about it on this website!

However, you don’t have to do it all right away. When you spread yourself too thin by doing too many things at once, you risk not doing any of them well.

And lackluster effort is going to produce lackluster results. You’re much better off choosing one method of getting your first customer and focusing your time and energy.

Once that method has run its course or if it didn’t work, move on to the next. This way you can do each one well and get the best results from it.

Skipping the reflection period/analysis

The last thing you want to avoid when trying to get your first customer is skipping the reflection period. You’re out there doing your thing and marketing your business. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind.

You’re often a one-person show and your to-do list is never-ending. But it’s important to step back and assess what’s working and what isn’t.

Is your social media page getting a lot of engagement? Do you have friends excited to make referrals for you? Are you making strong connections at your networking events?

Paying attention to what gets results and what doesn’t is how you not only cut your to-do list down but also how you avoid wasting your time.

Let’s be honest: you don’t have time to waste doing things that aren’t working. But if you don’t take a step back every so often and measure the results of your efforts, that’s liable to happen.

And if it’s not getting you results, it’s time to move on to something else that will.

Little boy waiting for his first customer at his lemonade stand.

How Long Does it Take to Find Your First Customer?

Now that we’ve covered the dos and don’ts of finding your first customer, you might be curious as to how long it takes. The truth is: it varies.

There is no hard or fast rule. There isn’t even an average.

For some people, it can take a few hours. For others, it might take a few weeks or even months.

A lot of it depends on your marketing, how comfortable you are selling, and how much time you have to put into your business.

If you’re spending 6-8 hours a day hunting down your first customer, you can expect results pretty fast. If you’re working on your business part-time or in your off-hours, it might take more time.

The key is to consistently work to find your first customer. Try to do at least one thing a day that could lead to a sale.

More Resources for Finding Your First Customer

Here are some more great resources to help you find your first customer:

With these resources, you’ll be well on your way to finding your first customer and getting your business moving in the right direction.

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Your First Customer Is Out There

The last thing I want to leave you with in your journey to finding your first customer is a bit of hope. Your first customer is out there!

My friend John had to deal with a few empty classes, but now he has a thriving gym with 2 locations. If you believe in your business idea, you need to also believe people will want to buy from you.

It may take some time and effort, but it’s worth it. And once you get your first customer, the next one will come easier, and so on.

So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Pick 1 or 2 strategies off this list and get started!

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