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Looking to help your business grow and thrive? Check out these 15 strategies for how to get more customers to your business.
My friend Sheila slumped into her seat at the coffee shop and moaned “I don’t know what to do.”
From our conversations over the last few days, I already knew the problem. I knew how hard she worked on her business and how frustrated she was about her low sales.
She had plenty of initial funding for her t-shirt design business to get started. But if she wanted her business to keep growing and take off, she needed more customers.
And she needed them now!
A Good Idea Doesn’t Guarantee a Successful Business
Small business owners like my friend Sheila often figure this out the hard way. They start off bright-eyed and bushy-tailed because they have a killer business idea.
They take all the necessary steps to get the business up and running. Often they’re even great at what they do.
But sometimes they still get stuck.
Many small business owners struggle to get traction with their businesses. Either they bring in enough to make ends meet, but they don’t see any real growth.
Or worse, they steadily take a loss.
In either case, the health and future of a small business depends on making enough sales. And a good business idea doesn’t guarantee success.
You need a strong plan for how to get more customers to your business.
Disclosure: Our website participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn a commission on purchases made through our affiliate links. We only promote products and services that offer value to small business owners. Just as a quick reminder, the following information is not legal advice. Be sure to speak with a local attorney before making legal decisions about your business.
15 Strategies on How to Get More Customers to Your Business Fast
1.) Learn all about your customers
The first step in how to get more customers to your business is to learn everything you can about them. Dive deep into your market research.
What do your customers need? What do they like? How can you help them?
How old are they? Where do they spend their time? What problems do they have?
The more you understand your customers and what they need, the better you’ll be able to communicate to them how your business can help.
This is a crucial part of a strong marketing strategy, but so many businesses skip it.
You need to be super dialed in on how you can help your customers. Because if you don’t know how to communicate your offer to them, they won’t buy from you.
2.) Research your competitors
Another way to get more customers is to research what your competitors are doing. How do they get customers?
If it works for them, it might work for you too. Or, you might find areas they’re lacking and fill in the gaps for your customers.
Either way, your competitors are a wealth of information on how to get more customers to your business.
3.) Ask for referrals
If you already have sales coming in, a good idea is to ask for referrals. Nothing beats honest word-of-mouth marketing.
People are much more likely to try somewhere a friend recommends over advertisements or an unknown business. Plenty of people will only try a new business if someone they know recommends it.
So be sure to ask for those referrals.
Here’s an example of something you could say:
“Hey [Customer’s name], I hope you’re happy with your [purchase/the service we provided for you]. If you enjoyed it, we would appreciate you recommending us to anyone who might enjoy [what your business offers] as well. Here’s a convenient link you can share with friends and family. Thank you!”
All it takes is a little prompt to get the ball rolling. Statistics show “83% of customers are willing to refer products and services,” but “Only 29% of customers actually make referrals without being prompted to do so.”
So, don’t be afraid to ask for those referrals.
Start a referral program
If you want to supercharge those referrals, consider creating a referral program. Referral programs allow you to reward your customers for sharing about your business.
Some popular referral incentives are:
- Credit toward a future purchase.
- Discount on a future purchase.
- Partial refund on an existing purchase.
- Cash or gift cards.
- Referral reward for current customers and any future customers they refer.
A little extra incentive might be the difference between your customers hitting the share button or moving on with their day.
4.) Networking
Another crucial step to getting more customers to your business is networking. Reach out and connect with other business owners and people in your industry.
Not only will you be able to spread the word and tell more people about your business, but you’ll also build important relationships.
Those relationships might lead to referrals, partnerships, or collaborations down the road. Plus, networking can help you stay on top of industry trends and developments that could impact your business.
5.) New customer discounts
Another good strategy for how to get more customers to your business is to offer them a discount. You don’t have to wait for a referral to let new customers know you appreciate their business.
This can be a great way to incentivize people to give your business a try, especially if they’re on the fence.
ASOS, an online fashion retailer, is a good example of how effective this strategy can be. After offering a 10% discount to new customers, they saw:
- Increased conversion rates of people who had visited their site.
- Growth in their customer base.
- Positive customer feedback from customers who appreciated the discount.
- An increase in brand loyalty from new customers.
6.) Start an email list
Having an email list is another important strategy for growing your audience and making more sales. It’s one of the most effective ways to communicate with existing customers and potential customers.
You get direct access to customers without having to compete with social media and the latest TikTok trends.
It’s the perfect avenue to ask for referrals, share about new products, offer discounts for new customers, and more.
My friend Sheila offers 20% off to new customers when they sign up for her email list. This allows her to not only capture potential customers’ email addresses but also incentivize them to make a purchase.
Plus, she can continue marketing to them even after they become a customer.
7.) Nail your website
The next strategy for how to get more customers to your business is to nail your website. Every business has a website these days.
If you don’t, you need one. (Read this post here to learn why a website is so important.)
If you want more customers and sales, however, you don’t just need a website. You need a good one.
Your website should have a clean, professional design and be easy to navigate. Also, it should clearly communicate who you are, what you offer, and how you help customers.
If you sell products directly on your website, you also need to ensure the purchasing process is seamless and user-friendly.
And don’t forget about mobile optimization. With so many people browsing and shopping on their phones, your website needs to support mobile use.
Otherwise, you could lose out on potential customers who struggle to navigate your site on their phones.
8.) Collaborate
Another option for getting more new customers is to collaborate with another business. This can be a great way to reach new audiences and expand your customer base.
You could team up with a complementary business to:
- offer a joint promotion
- host an event together
- cross-promote each other on social media platforms.
Collaborating can also help you save money as you split costs with the other business.
Before you dive in, be sure the partnership makes sense for both businesses and that you have similar target audiences. Otherwise, the collaboration may not be as effective.
For example, my friend Sheila shouldn’t waste her time collaborating with restaurant owners or gyms. She’d be better off focusing on businesses who sell jewelry, accessories, or shoes because they complement her t-shirt business.
9.) Get in front of potential customers
Another good strategy for how to get more customers to your business is to get more eyes on your business. And a good way to do that is to run advertisements.
Advertisements let you get your business in front of the people who will be interested in buying from you. Remember all the research you did on your customers from strategy #1?
This is a great place to put it to use. You can run ads online to target people who fit your customer profile.
For example, if you own a pet grooming business, you could run ads on social media platforms to pet owners. You can also use Google Ads to target keywords related to pets and grooming services.
This ensures your ad is shown to people who need and want your services.
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10.) Leverage social proof
Another great way to get new customers in the door is to show them your business is not only trustworthy but will also leave them happy and satisfied after shopping with you.
A great way to do that is with social proof. Social proof is when you showcase how other people have positively interacted with your business.
Here are some ways to demonstrate social proof:
- reviews
- testimonials
- feedback from satisfied customers
- listing the number of customers
- showing the number of times an app has been downloaded
- showcasing customer content
When potential customers see others have had a good experience with your business, they’re more likely to trust and try out your services.
It’s like a referral from a stranger. Not quite as effective as one from a friend, but still much better than a brand new business no one has heard of.
One of the best forms of social proof for your business is reviews. Reviews not only demonstrate real people who have shopped with you but also what they liked most about their experience.
You can post them on your website, social media, or even in your emails. Anywhere new customers can learn about your business is a great place to showcase positive reviews.
Before you can share your positive reviews, you first need to get them from your customers. You can ask for reviews on:
- social media
- packaging
- receipts
- at checkout
- when dealing with customer service
Customer content
Another useful form of social proof is customer content, also known as user-generated content. This is when customers create content featuring your products or services and share it on their own social media platforms.
Customer content could be photos of them using your product, wearing your clothing, or showcasing a service you provided for them.
This content not only builds trust with potential customers but also creates buzz and allows you to reach new audiences through the customer’s followers.
It’s like a picture version of a review or testimonial. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, you can see why customer content is so effective.
You can encourage customer content with contests or giveaways, discounts for sharing their experience, or by asking them to tag your business in their posts.
Be sure to always ask for permission before sharing their content on your platforms. This not only shows respect for the customer’s creative work but also ensures you’re legally allowed to use it.
11.) Get local
The next strategy you should try to get more customers is attending local events. This could be farmer’s markets, craft fairs, or any other event that brings together vendors and customers in your community.
Attending these events not only allows you to sell your products or services in person but also allows you to connect with potential customers face-to-face.
This personal interaction can go a long way in building trust and making a lasting impression. It’s also a great way to network with other local business owners.
You better believe my friend Sheila attends every holiday market and craft fair in her city.
12.) Love your customers
Another strategy for how to get more customers to your business is to make sure your customers are happy and satisfied. A big part of that comes down to your customer service.
You don’t just want to answer their questions. Make them feel loved and appreciated.
If this is an area you’ve overlooked, make it your new priority. Customer service is a big purchasing factor for people.
And as a small business, it’s a great way to stand out from the big guys. You can provide personalized attention, remember names and preferences, and show how much you value your customers.
And of course, when they have a positive experience with your business, they’re more likely to go out of their way when you ask for those reviews and referrals.
13.) Create a solid digital marketing plan
These days, no marketing strategy would be complete without a solid digital marketing plan. People are on their phones all day every day, and your business needs to be visible in the digital world.
Here are some key components of a successful digital marketing plan:
- Social media
- Website
- Content marketing
- Email marketing
- Advertising
If you cover all of these bases, you’ll make sure your business is visible to potential customers wherever they are online.
Social media
The most obvious place to start with your digital marketing is social media. That includes posting on platforms such as:
- TikTok
Focus on content that will engage your followers and encourage them to share with their own networks. This organic reach is a great way to get in front of potential customers.
It’s also a great place to share reviews, testimonials, customer content, and information about any sales or promotions that will catch the eye of potential customers.
14.) Give them a taste
Another good way to attract new customers in is to give them a taste of what your business offers. You can do this with free samples of your products.
A notable example of this is the food court at the mall. You often see at least 1 or 2 employees in front of their business offering samples.
Care to guess which restaurants have the longest lines?
If you have a service-based business you could offer demonstrations. A massage therapist could give a 10-minute back massage. A fitness gym could offer a free trial.
Once people get a taste, if they like it, they’ll almost certainly be back for more.
15.) Share your expertise
Last on our list of strategies for how to get more customers to your business is to share your expertise. Take some time to educate people about what you know best.
For example, a chef might offer free cooking classes. A Jiu-Jitsu instructor might give a free self-defense lesson.
My friend Sheila shares tips on how to style her t-shirts.
When you share your knowledge and expertise you do a few things:
- Offer value to potential customers and help build a positive relationship.
- Showcase your skills and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
- Give people a taste of what they could experience if they became a customer.
This works especially well in the service industry, where customers want someone knowledgeable and trustworthy. By sharing your expertise, you can build that trust with people early on.
Long-term Strategies for How to Get More Customers to Your Business
Now that we’ve covered some quick ways to get more customers in the door, here are some more long-term strategies. When it comes to growing your business, you don’t want to rely on one game plan.
Having a range of methods that work to bring in new customers is the best way to keep your business thriving.
The strategies listed below take a little bit longer to get in place and see results, but they’ll steadily work in the background to help get the word out about your business.
Start a blog
The first long-term strategy for how to get more customers to your business is to start a blog. A blog is a section of your website where you share news and information with your customers.
You can answer common questions, educate customers on your products, and give helpful tips and advice. A blog is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and help build trust and familiarity with your business.
For example, Sheila might write some articles for her blog about ways to style graphic t-shirts, how to choose the right fit, and what colors are in this season.
When potential customers land on her site, she can answer their questions while also showing off the products in her online store.
Start a podcast
If blogging isn’t your thing, you could also start a podcast. A podcast is a great way for service providers to start building relationships with potential customers.
A podcast functions like a blog in that it’s a platform to share information and connect with your audience. The benefit of a podcast, however, is the customer can hear your voice and it feels more like a conversation.
This helps build that connection even faster.
They’ll get a real feel for who you are, what your business is about, and how you can help them.
Start a YouTube channel
If you like making videos, another option is a YouTube channel. This would be the video version of a blog or a podcast.
Video is one of the best ways to drive more traffic, generate more leads, and build customer loyalty. Zight published a statistic stating “Videos can increase your organic traffic by 157%, boost your conversion rate by 80%, and improve your brand recall by 95%.”
Results like that are a great way to get customers in the door and the sales racking up.
Make sure your SEO is up to date
Last on our list of long-term strategies for how to get more customers to your business is to make sure your SEO is up to date. SEO stands for search engine optimization.
It’s a fancy way to say when someone searches for questions or phrases related to your business, your website shows up in the search results.
The first thing many people do when they have a question, a problem to solve, or they need more information is go to Google.
They type in the information they need and hit search. You want to make sure your business shows up.
You can rank for listings for products, blog posts, or even podcast episodes. Whether or not people can find your business often comes down to whether or not your website is optimized for SEO.
And if you have a local business, local SEO should be one of your top priorities. If you haven’t set it up yet, learn how here: What is Local SEO and How to Improve Your Local Ranking.
Don’t Forget to Look Back at Your Results
Now that we’ve covered all the best strategies for how to get more customers to your business, there is only one thing left to cover: analysis.
Building a business is hard work. I know it, you know, and my friend Sheila knows it too.
So you don’t have time to waste on strategies that don’t work. Every business and every business owner is unique.
What works for you might not work for someone else. So as you go through this list and try out different strategies, it’s important to pay attention to your results.
My friend Sheila found local events were a huge hit for her business, but Facebook advertisements didn’t give her the return she wanted.
And because she paid attention, she dialed way back on her ad budget and spent that money traveling to more events.
When you take the time to look back at what works and what doesn’t, you can ditch the strategies that aren’t paying off and invest more in the ones that are.
That’s how you grow your business and keep it growing for years to come. So don’t forget to look back at your results and adjust accordingly.
Feeling overwhelmed about how to get more customers to your business?
No? Awesome! That means you’re a go-getter who’s ready to put these tips into action.
A little bit? That’s ok too. Take a deep breath, pick one thing from this list, and take the first few steps. You don’t have to do all of these strategies to get more customers.
Choose one that you think will be the most effective. Once you get that strategy in place, pick another, and then another. Then be sure to look back at your results periodically to see what gets results.
Before long you’ll be like my friend Sheila, who now has nothing but good news to share about her business when she drops in at a coffee shop with friends.
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